today was the second day when i ate at a table where everyone else had prime rib. uncomfortable, no. awkward, yes. because the question always comes up: why vegetarian? it's hard to convince someone of your beliefs when they are in the act of violating them. but that's not what vegetarianism is about for me. it's about having the information and an educated opinion. i like to engage in the conversation over meat-eating because people just dont know where their food comes from. so i think the better question is why
not vegetarian? if you know what i know and
still choose to eat meat, then your choice is just as good as mine. but in the same way that i do not respect a blatantly bias argument, i refuse to accept criticism from someone without all the facts. tell me why i
should eat meat, and then you can criticize. anyway, just thoughts for consideration.
balled again this morning. it wasnt quite as cold and my left is getting a lot better. but my game still needs work. i shoot funny. nonetheless, i ripped in family knockout today. my little cousins are straight ballers though. theyve got game. swagga too.

better story though. i had a sick dream last night that i went to huf on sutter, but instead of being just three regular huf stores, it was a huf superstore much like sportsbasement or sports authority. it was so sick. it was a really lucid dream too. they had some crazy gear too. everything from skateboards and snowboards to hats and sneakers, they had a playground and even a burrito stand! it might have been the sickest store ive ever been in, and it's not even real! balls. super huf, only in my dreams.
preview: i want to make a best of 2008 list soon
1 comment:
Glad to see you have joined the blogspot world.
You're a veggie now? If you're ever in New York there's an awesome place I can take you. More like... three awesome places I can take you.
Talk to you soon!
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