yet, all exaggerations aside, yesterday's lhs volleyball legacy reunion certainly brought back some awesome memories. thank you everyone, new friends and old. some things change, and some things dont-- that's the beauty of it all. in the end, you remember your team-- the people you shared blood, sweat, and tears with-- not the wins and losses. the 'head fakes' of playing a sport will only appear worthwhile in retrospect.
randy pausch, carnegie mellon virtual reality professor, is most famous for his 'last lecture' speech, which i finally watched last night. the "head fake phenomenon", he describes, is when a teacher can trick students into learning difficult material while having fun. his speech consisted of three parts 1. achieving childhood dreams, 2. enabling the dreams of others, and 3. how you can enrich your everyday life. i really loved his message because it really inspires me to have more fun in everything. but another part of his message is that we all face 'brick walls' or simply, obstacles, that at some point seem immovable. "cherish criticism," he says, "and learn from it." i think that's one thing that i certainly need to improve on. pfft critics, y'all are haters. but at the same time, he says, "when people stop criticizing you, then theyve given up" and then youve really failed. as hard as it may be, so true. i definitely reccommend the vid, youtube it, but ive also stumbled on it, and i think there's a book out too. dreezy, i know you sent it to me before too, so thank you and sorry for waiting so long to watch it. tada!
anyway, went christmas shopping with mother again today. getting my driving in over the holidays fisho. dude, and drivers are straight crazy up in clement street. malls are packed, but i figured that would happen. haha and the shamwow kiosk guy really loves those towels. he gave us the whole soda in carpet presentation almost as well as homie on tv. combined with the oversized rice bean salsa burrito i just ate, holiday shopping has me quite fatigued and a nap would be rather pleasant, if i may say so myself. good day.
picture of the day: currently, i am eating...

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