Wednesday, December 17, 2008

'shoppin and silly rhymes

a blog is never complete without the perfect header. check it! all the things i love in one collage box. there's potential here, and i see a bright future ahead for this blog.

and with that, i am now pleased to present: silly rhymes, part I

watch on my wrist
forty dollars in a pocket
plaid shirt, new cap
im gonna rock it
steez in my fit
keys on my hip
chapstick on my lip
my jeans never ripped

get some coffee in my system
got shit to do, gonna list em
news for wisdom
each day
start it the same way
grass before class
blasting the bass

the equation of time
manifest in rhyme
constructed to defy
intelligent design

views from a prism
an orange for later
cuz my lunch aint catered

edit: HAHAHA i stumbled on this guy:his name is Heinz-- president of his local beard club, and winner of the 2003 People's Choice Trophy at the World Beard and Moustache Championships. simply, my idol.

1 comment:

stephawu said...

i want to learn how to make a cool header! taaanks! =)