since the tenth, holey bagel! road tripped to tahoe for birthday, valentines day weekend! super pow, like you dont even know. although there were fat storms on the way up and on the way back down, we managed to crank out an awesome vday sesh.
it was sunny too, like what?! our deluxe accomodations included an oversized flat screen for the room, and an under-sized, yet infinitely more luxurious mini flat screen for the bathroom. all i can really say is what a trip. thank you stepha, my favorite. and shout out to kwan and weenie, we did it so right!
while it was awesome to bust outta santa cruz for a second, the cost of an escape weekend before midterms definitely came around. after 11 hours up, and like 9 hours to travel back to santa cruz, (and of course musical a.d.d. fluctuating between the likes of kelly clarkson, akon, the jobros, lil wayne, the fray, and the game,) i found myself largely dysfunctional until wednesday.
at which point, I was met with an accounting midterm thursday and the associated wednesday night/thursday morning, caffeine enhanced cram preparation. accounting can eat it. an exam from left field killed my spirits, but didnt slow down the programming midterm which went down on friday morning. a word of advice, the way to recover from a week like that is not to do it big on friday/saturday to celebrate your accomplishments. common folklore suggests that sleep is indeed for wimps, yet common sense will always creep up on you, unless you are really a vampire.
it's really been non-stop lately. sunday recovery soon became monday freak out. essays due, homework to copy. warrior games, spontaneous birthdays, and buddies should really each have their own days of the week. at some point, i also broke my ipod. the headphone jack is tweaked, so it only outputs to one speaker. disaster! been nearly musicless on campus, which is my primary rockout time, and it's been a little of an adjustment. for the better, i like to think. forces me to engage in random conversation, which is always fun. study, study. econometrics required its own little freak out, but it soon got its needed attention. the quarter is FLYING by.
funny, so i emailed TRUE today because i really need to know if they have any more of my hat. its just been painful! i still havent removed the pin on which it used to hang, so theres literally a void in my hat wall. there are just so many days where that would be the perfect hat to wear, and it look up to grab it and its not there! grumble grumble.
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